
The primary design of this app is to use your current geolocation. When geolocation permission is granted, each new record created will have its geolocation stored in the background. Hence, it is vital that you create the record near or at the location you would like to return to. The records will then show up on the map as markers. You can refresh navigation button to see which record is closest to you in the ministry.

Are the records stored in the cloud?

No. The records are stored locally on your phone. No backup is available on a server. If you delete the app, the data will also be deleted. You can do a local backup onto a JSON file and save to your phone's file system. This JSON file can then be used to restore all your data when you reinstall the app.

You can also export a PDF of all your records.

Is sharing available?

Yes. You can transfer a record to another person who is also using FsPal.